Scabies Info

Scabies Remedies

Skin Scabies

Scabies, a transmissible ectoparasite skin infection, is characterized by superficial burrows, secondary infection and intense itching. This makes good […]

Scabies Remedies

Scabies FAQs

Scabies in the Home

You might not like to hear the word scabies, but it is actually a lot more common than one person might think. Scabies is a bug, a problem that will not go away on its own. Scabies is a thing that will be spread by close body contact, by sleeping in the same bed, or in filth. While scabies is not going to kill a person, it can be very bothersome, causing major itching and major scarring if not cared for. Scabies is a tiny bug, one […]

Long Term Undesirable Effects of Scabies

Scabies is a skin condition caused by infection with scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei). Scabies mites are microscopic parasite organisms that burrow deep inside the skin, causing inflammation, itching and rash. Later symptoms of scabies are: crusty aspect of the skin, pustules, blisters and nodules. Most of the symptoms generated by scabies are actually allergic reactions to the mites, eggs and feces which are toxic to the human body. Skin rash is the first symptom to occur when suffering from scabies, emerging after only a few days from […]

Scabies and Personal Hygiene

Scabies is a very contagious type of skin disorder caused by infestation with microscopic mites. The parasite mite that causes scabies in humans is called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. This type of parasitic organism is the only scabies mite that can complete its life cycle on the bodies of human hosts. Although animal mites can also cause temporary allergic reactions to people, they are unable to infest humans. The majority of symptoms generated by scabies occur as a consequence of allergic reactions to the mites’ secretions and […]