Category Archives: Scabies Remedies

Skin Scabies

Scabies, a transmissible ectoparasite skin infection, is characterized by superficial burrows, secondary infection and intense itching. This makes good sense as the actual word ‘scabies’ is Latin for ‘itch’. Unlike alot of different infections and diseases the cause of scabies is actually known. Caused by the mite, variety hominis, it intensifies which results in extremely itchy skin that rashes. This itchiness is because the pregnant female mites tunnel into the stratum corneum of the skin to deposit eggs in the burrow. Hatching in 3-10 days, the larvae, […]

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Manuka a Reliable Natural Cure for Scabies

Scabies is a very contagious skin condition that occurs due to infestation with parasitic mites. The mite responsible for causing scabies in people is a microscopic organism called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. Although there are many other types of mites that cause scabies in animals, they are not capable of infesting humans. Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis can be acquired either directly, by entering in contact with infested persons, or indirectly, by entering in contact with contaminated objects. Once they find a human host, scabies mites climb onto […]

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Ivermectin as a Reliable Oral Medication for Severe Cases of Scabies

Scabies is a skin condition caused by infestation with microscopic parasite mites. Although it can be acquired by anyone, scabies has the highest incidence in very young children and the elderly. Scabies is highly contagious and it can cause serious endemics in overcrowded orphanages, nursing homes and asylums. Due to their limited mobility, infants and elderly people are the most exposed to acquiring scabies during outbreaks. On the premises of a weak immune system, scabies can lead to serious bacterial or fungal infections, causing serious complications. Most […]

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