Tag Archives: itch

Skin Scabies

Scabies, a transmissible ectoparasite skin infection, is characterized by superficial burrows, secondary infection and intense itching. This makes good sense as the actual word ‘scabies’ is Latin for ‘itch’. Unlike alot of different infections and diseases the cause of scabies is actually known. Caused by the mite, variety hominis, it intensifies which results in extremely itchy skin that rashes. This itchiness is because the pregnant female mites tunnel into the stratum corneum of the skin to deposit eggs in the burrow. Hatching in 3-10 days, the larvae, […]

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Scabies: What Should You Do Now

Scabies can be a very itchy problem, one that can actually sneak up on you if you are not aware of where you have been sleeping or if you are not watching who you are coming into contact with during sports events. The disease, scabies is one that is a little bug, one that you can’t see with your eyes, but one that will make a noticeable impression on your body. The tiny bug often lives in areas that are moist and warm on your body, such […]

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